• Eichenallee 1 • 24321 Hohwacht

Corona Updates

Rules currently in force

Currently there are no restrictions regarding the Corona control

Course Rules of the Golf und Country Club Hohwachter Bucht e.V. - Status August 2021

The current course rules of the Golf und Country Club Hohwachter Bucht e.V. can be found here.

Temporary course rules - as of April 2022

The current temporary course rules can be found here.

Rules of the Hohwacht Golf Course - Status December 2020

Unsere aktuelle Spielordnung finden Sie hier.

Turnierbedingungen des Golf und Country Clubs Hohwachter Bucht e.V. - Stand 10. April 2021

You can find our current game rules here. 

New yellow range balls

Dear golfers,

we have new yellow range balls on our golfodrome since 2020.

Therefore, from 2020, playing with yellow balls is no longer allowed on our course and this regulation will then be part of the applicable house and course rules. This rule will help us to ensure that range balls are not played with on the course. Rule 4.2.a applies to betting matches.

Range balls are, on the one hand, the property of the golf facility and are only intended for the practice area and, on the other hand, a range ball does not fulfill the optimal conditions for a good game on the course. This ball has a different texture than the regular golf balls and distorts your own game on the course.

We therefore ask for your understanding for this new regulation and wish us all a good game on the course!

Your team of the golf course Hohwacht


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